The EDF Climate Corps network influence and reach expands beyond the over 600 fellows and 350 host organizations that have participated since 2008.
The network includes over 400 staff experts at EDF. The network includes state and city colleagues working with us in Chicago and Boston. The network reaches our partners, members and supporters.
Our network is integral to sharing best practices across industry experts and amplifying the effects of each Climate Corps fellow’s success.
Driving the Building Energy Initiative in Chicago
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is working in Chicago to accelerate energy performance in buildings. Our EDF Climate Corps team is on the ground in Chicago to prove that when a concentrated coalition of buildings implements best energy management protocols, large scale business and environmental ROI follows.
Boston’s Peer Learning Network
EDF, along with the Boston Green Ribbon Commission and MIT Sloan School of Management created a Peer Learning Network of EDF Climate Corps host organizations in the Boston area. The purpose of the network is to speed adoption of best energy management practices and to build a strategic understanding of how to speed the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Energy Solutions Exchange
The EDF Climate Corps network includes hundreds of fellows, host organizations, EDF experts and industry leaders, all sharing scalable solutions to take energy management to the next level. The Energy Solutions Exchange brings together over 100 of these energy management leaders of today and tomorrow. We are harnessing the power of the network to solve our biggest environmental challenges.