EDF Climate Corps Blog
Green Jobs: Bridging the Gap between Knowledge and Action
Kelly Jones | May 28, 2014
As EDF Climate Corps fellow Jenise Young points out in Years of Living Dangerously, there is a difference between being informed about climate change and actually doing something about it. Knowledge, unfortunately, doesn’t necessarily lead to action.
Renewable Energy and Natural Gas: Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy
Ellen Bell | May 23, 2014
The landscape of energy generation in the United States is transforming, although the necessity of this change and what the future of energy generation should look like are open to debate. This week’s episode of Years of Living Dangerously focused on America’s energy future, specifically natural gas and renewable energy as opportunities to move ourselves away from more carbon-intensive sources such as coal.
Behind the Showtime Cameras with EDF Climate Corps Fellow Brendan Edgerton
Stephanie Kennard | May 23, 2014
EDF Climate Corps makes its small screen debut on Showtime’s Years of Living Dangerously, a documentary series on climate change this Monday, May 26. All month, we’ve rounded up the three EDF Climate Corps fellows starring in the Showtime series for a behind the scenes look at filming with the Years Project. This time we're chatting with Brendan.
EDF Climate Corps fellows – right where they need to be
Victoria Mills | May 22, 2014
When the producers of Years of Living Dangerously – Showtime’s groundbreaking new series about climate change – were looking for a story of hope, they turned to EDF Climate Corps.
Behind the Showtime Cameras with EDF Climate Corps Fellow Scott Miller
Stephanie Kennard | May 16, 2014
It’s almost time for EDF Climate Corps’ small screen debut on Showtime’s Years of Living Dangerously, a documentary series on climate change. Leading up to the May 26th episode featuring three EDF Climate Corps fellows and host organizations, we’re rounding up the three EDF Climate Corps fellows starring in the Showtime series for a behind the scenes look at filming with the Years Project.
We Can’t Address Economic Concerns Without Talking Climate Change
Jacob Robinson | May 15, 2014
The latest episode of Years of Living Dangerously takes a look at the political and often partisan constraints of advancing climate change policy and resiliency efforts. New York Times columnist Mark Bittman and actress Olivia Munn take the audience through thematically similar stories on opposite coasts of the U.S.
Behind the Showtime Cameras with EDF Climate Corps Fellows
Stephanie Kennard | May 8, 2014
It’s almost time for EDF Climate Corps’ small screen debut on Showtime’s Years of Living Dangerously, a documentary series on climate change. Leading up to the May 26th episode featuring three EDF Climate Corps fellows and host organizations, we’re rounding up the three EDF Climate Corps fellows starring in the Showtime series for a behind the scenes look at filming with the Years Project.
Is your family divided on climate change?
Scott Wood | May 7, 2014
limate change skepticism and reality faced off in Sunday night’s (4th) episode of the Showtime series, Years of Living Dangerously. While Leslie Stall, of 60 Minutes, toured the Arctic and witnessed firsthand the receding glaciers and melting sea ice, Anna Jane Joyner worked tirelessly to convince her father, a prominent Evangelical pastor, that climate change is real, happening now and driven by human activity.
Stories from Two Islands Explain the Science and Politics of Climate Change
Chris Riso | April 30, 2014
This week's episode of Years of Living Dangerously featured reporting from two islands central to the debate on climate change. In Staten Island, New York, one of the communities hardest hit by Superstorm Sandy, MSNBC correspondent Chris Hayes followed in the wake of the storm to share a story of personal tragedy and political reality.
LED Lighting: Have You Made the Switch?
Chris Riso | April 28, 2014
One trend we’ve observed at Environmental Defense Fund has been the growing popularity of LED lighting. Each year, upgrades utilizing LED technology represent more and more of the lighting retrofits fellows evaluate.